Cookie Policy

1. Owner Information

This website is offered to you by:


2. Cookies

This website uses cookies in accordance with abovementioned purpose. A cookie is a small text file, that is stored in your browser, so that your computer is recognizable on return visits. No personal information is kept in our cookies and they do not contain virus.

2.1 How long is cookies kept stored?
Cookies delete themselves after a couple of months (may vary), but are renewed after each visit to the website.

2.2 How to delete cookies
See the instructions here:

2.3 How to avoid cookies
If you do not wish to recieve cookies, you can simply block them. See the instuctions here:

2.4 What are cookies used for on our website?
Cookies are used to carry out statistics on the amount of users and their whereabouts on Cookies are furthermore used in correlation with bookmarks and password-protected pages.