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Seminar on Creativity – ySSI with I&I Aarhus University, Denmark

11. October 2023 kl. 10:00 - 11:00 CEST

Dear ySSI member,

It is our pleasure to invite you to this unique seminar on Creativity by Bart Römer, director of the Netherlands Film Academy. Brought to you through our collaboration with the Inflammation and Infection (I&I) research theme at Aarhus University, Denmark.

On creativity is a lecture that centers around the four basic abilities of the human brain in relation to how human creativity functions. Those four abilities are:  Perception, Imagination, Association and Analogy. By combining the explanations of what thinking is as a process, together with our natural given curiosity, our limited capacity to focus and how rigid mental patterns are guiding us through our daily lives, this lecture tells a fascination story of how human creativity works – yes, also for you as a unique individual – and how storytelling became the root of human civilization. This lecture will help you understand the history and science behind storytelling and how to make a good story.

You are also welcome to check out the Masterclass also held by Bart Römer, taking place Thursday the 12th of October, 10:00 – 12:00 CET.

The seminar will be held online (Zoom) on Wednesday 11th of October at 10:00 – 11:00 CEST. Please register via this page, and we will circulate the Zoom link one day before the event.


Short Biography of Bart Römer

Bart Römer is the director of the Netherlands Film Academy and has spent his life working in theater and television. He started his career as an actor in theater, television, and cinema, and later became involved with television behind the scenes – editor-in-chief, head of entertainment and drama departments. One of Bart’s many positions included being head concept developer for the Endemol company in the 90’s, where Bart was one of the original developers of the Big Brother reality TV concept. Bart has held a variety of leadership positions within different media organizations, including channel manager for the Dutch National Broadcast Organization for all cultural programming, including drama and in-depth journalism.

Bart has had a parallel career as a writer (fiction and non-fiction) of a variety of novels, radio, and theater plays. At the end of 2024, Bart will retire as director of the Netherlands Film Academy but will continue to work as a fulltime writer.

Based on over thirty years of leadership experience in the world of media and being a successful creator in the world of art, Bart regularly receives invitations to attend congresses or symposia as a motivational speaker, or to design in-company tailormade workshops on creativity.


11. October 2023
10:00 - 11:00 CEST
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