Welcome to another “Updates on Immunology”.
This time we are going to dive into Dendritic cells (DCs), one of the key orchestrators of the immune response! This time the seminar our guest is Renée van der Sluis, Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedicine from Arhus University, Denmark. She studied DCs initially in the context of latent HIV and this broadened to SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic. Reneé will discuss DC biology in the context of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 from a scientific perspective and also include a more personal touch in relation to Renee’s experience in moving abroad, working in different research groups, and other academic career decisions. If you want to know more about her research please visit here.
Seminar will be held online (Zoom) on Wed 27th of March at 13:00 CEST. Please register via this page, and we will circulate Zoom link one day before the event.
Questions, suggestions and comments to yssi.inbox@gmail.com